During Tech Days, Munich becomes a hotspot for founders, entrepreneurs and creatives in cyberspace. Innovation managers from the corporate world mingle with digital natives to exchange their views on ongoing transformation, new ways of creation, organizing or accelerating innovation.
Get a glimpse of the seventh edition of Tech Days:
Schedule (Preliminary)
Please notice: There are three Stages!

Live Music by DJ BASS
DJ BASS is a DJ and producer hailing from Munich. The DJ and beatmaker has its roots in Hip Hop, while when it comes to the club it’s all about bass music.

Art by Jingling Yu
Jingling Yu is a interdisciplinary multimedial designer. Her focus is based on spatial communication, interactive forms of presentation and new media. Through many years of experience with integrated design she can break through conventional design-thinking, sees things from a more comprehensive perspective and concentrates on future-oriented interaction design.

Cybersecurity Hackathon
Hackathon Munich TechDays 2021
This year, there is a new side-event to the Munich TechDays: a hackathon, open for everyone. Exciting challenges are waiting for you - connect to the lab and get some practical insights on IT security. The challenge is organised by the Nachwuchsförderung IT-Sicherheit e.V. and NSIDE ATTACK LOGIC.
CTF Style
The hackathon will be in a so-called capture-the-flag (CTF) style What does this mean? For every task, one needs to find a certain flag: a file called flag.txt. This file is hidden somewhere and you have to find your way into the machine, exploiting vulnerabilities and escalating priviledges. The hackathon provides challenges in the field of IT security, like reverse engineering, binary exploitation, cryptography or web security. The hackathon is designed for beginners and intermediate experienced IT security enthusiast.
Everyone who has found at least one flag can participate in our tombola. We have exciting prizes and the challenges are lots of fun. Everyone who has found at least one flag can participate in our tombola. We have exciting prizes and the challenges are lots of fun.
You can join here.
Help & Contact
Should you need any help or just want to chat about IT security, feel free to come by at our stand (Nachwuchsförderung IT-Sicherheit e.V., NSIDE ATTACK LOGIC GmbH, Bayerns bester Hacker).

Peter Möhring,
General Manager,
Security Network Munich
Tel. +49 152 218 587 82

Nicolai Harnisch
Project Manager Technology,
Bayern Innovativ
Tel. +49 911 20671-726