During Tech Days, Munich becomes a hotspot for founders, entrepreneurs and creatives in cyberspace. Innovation managers from the corporate world mingle with digital natives to exchange their views on ongoing transformation, new ways of creation, organizing or accelerating innovation.
Impressions from our first virtual Tech Days in 2020
Lina Gandløse
Dr. Markus
Dr. Dirk
Dr. Tobias
Prof. Dr. Björn
Dr. Imme

Workshop: Myndset Business Storytelling
Storytelling is at the heart of every culture and has shaped humanity. When we tell each other stories, they evoke emotions and touch areas of the brain where pure data would never go. But how can we use this for business? In our session we will create Storytelling ideas with Myndset Cards in only 30 minutes! Even if you believe you have no potential to create ideas, Myndset Cards will enable you to create emotional story ideas that will leave your audience wanting more more. Let's create your own story!
Number of Participants: max. 20
Time: 60 Min

Workshop: Impact-Driven Technology
Due to serious social and ecological challenges our world is facing right now, sustainable measures and efforts gain popularity. Innovation and technology are key elements and contributors within a desired transition towards sustainability.
Hence, how this change is driven? This workshop attempts to depict general transformation strategies as well as approaches to incorporate impact-related ambitions in innovation management and technology development
Number of participants: 20 max.
Time: approx. 45 Min.

Workshop: How podcasting can help strengthen your business
Podcasting is a growing market for the delivery of audio content. In Germany, almost 30 percent already listen to the audio format. It is possible to build a close relationship between yourself and your target audience. In addition, Podcasting can be used to strengthen expertise and increase reach. But what does it take technically to get started with podcasting?
Time: approx. 45 min.

Pushing process automation remains one of the hot topics for IT leaders in digitization. Why a challenge? Ask yourself: Have you ever noticed that your colleagues, even your C-Level, find creative so called “work-arounds” for processes and ignore new standards? No surprise. Changing human habits is a tricky one! In this workshop you will see how creative engagement methods can drive sustainable behavioral change. Are you ready to play?
Number of participants: max. 20
Time: 45 Min approx.

Workshop: ReAct. ReSpond. ReThink – Business as Unusual
We all experienced in the past weeks the unexpected. A global lockdown, no business travelling and even not a simple handshake. A situation that nobody was prepared and no business was designed for. In our session, you will learn how to create unexpected futures with a straightforward method. And how to develop holistic ideas that can make your business more resilient for further crisis.

Workshop: XR for Education
Hands on Introduction to CoSpaces and MergeCube
In the workshop there will be an introduction to CoSpaces. Afterwards, a MergeCube will be built live, which the participants can immediately watch at home. Finally, we will show some examples of how rooms and MergeCubes created with CoSpaces can be used in education to enable students to actively learn. Finally, the participants will be given a few minutes to build something themselves and share it with the other participants.
If possible, please download the MergeCube construction sheet (http://mergecube.com/paper-pdf) in advance and build your own MergeCube. Also, install the CoSpaces Edu app on your smartphone or tablet.
Welcome and introduction: Silke Schmidt, XR HUB Bavaria
Workshop facilitator: Stephanie Wössner

IHK online consultation hour: "IT Emergency"
IHK online consultation hour "IT emergency: How to prepare? What to do in an emergency?"
As an introduction to the "IHK-Online-Sprechstunde", Frank Kirchner (netcos GmbH) outlines damage scenarios for IT emergencies. Afterwards we will have a discussion about IT security in small and medium-sized companies: You need reliable and secure IT systems in your company as a tool for your daily business. In case of failures or malfunctions, you will notice how processes come to a standstill and how dependent you are on your IT. The risk of an IT emergency cannot be reduced to zero. However, the probability and the effects of an IT emergency can be reduced significantly. Questions we will discuss: How can you prepare for an IT emergency? What preventive measures can you take? How do the measures differ for different damage scenarios?
Workshop Facilitators: Frank Kirchner, netcos & Bernhard Kux, IHK München und Oberbayern

Workshop: Security Awareness
Working outside of the office entails a number of dangers that must be taken into account when introducing home office. Basically the same protection needs and therefore the same requirements for information security should apply as in the office space itself. However, the limited control and influence possibilities on the part of the employer make it easier, for example, for third parties to gain unauthorized access and data misuse.
To adress these issues, we will discuss various threats, that are special to home office and learn, which next steps a company and an individual should employ to stay protected.
Workshop Facilitator: David Kelm, IT-Seals